
Education Ministry initiates project to review school curriculum


The Ministry of Education and the Open Society Foundations have launched a project to improve the school curriculum. The two-year project has a budget of over US$1 million, IPN reports.

Minister of Education Maia Sandu told a news conference that national and foreign experts have been involved in the project. After they analyze the school curriculum, they will submit proposals based on which decisions will be taken for the next years.

Head of the Ministry’s Preuniversity Education Division Valentina Chicu said that this year they will prepare, plan and design the support materials for reviewing the curriculum. “The changes that take place this year are not perceptible at the level of framework plan. We must see what level we reached and what we must do to improve things,” she stated.

The project envisions the improvement of the professional abilities of teachers and school managers. A national program will be worked out to attract and keep the teachers in the education system. This will include the designing of a career growth and financial motivation system.

The Open Society Foundations are represented in Moldova by Soros Foundation Moldova, which will sponsor the project.