
Education minister stays in office. Simple motion rejected


The simple motion initiated by the Bloc of Communists and Socialists on the policies promoted by the Ministry of Education and Research, headed by Dan Perciun, was rejected by the parliamentary majority. The decision was adopted after more than five hours of debate in the Parliament's plenary, IPN reports.

Minister Dan Perciun said that what the education system needs today more than ever is predictability, a long-term vision, assumed and supported, including by Parliament. It also needs investment and consensus so that the initiatives launched can have continuity.

The Minister presented the investment plan for the coming years and referred to a number of changes that he said were necessary for teachers, parents and, last but not least, children. He said that no matter how much they invest, in the end the quality of education and the child's experience at school is most influenced by teachers. This is therefore where the most needs to be invested.

In his opinion, the main achievement is that in this period, marked by a border war, inflationary pressures, destabilization attempts and pressure on the budget, a considerable increase in teachers' salaries has been secured. "Salaries of teachers with higher teaching grade in the last four years have increased by about 6 thousand lei, which is about 60%, for the first grade - by 64%," the minister said.

Dan Perciun also mentioned the increase of scholarships, renovations in educational institutions, student dormitories, free food for secondary school students. Also, according to him, the number of young people employed in education is at an all-time high.

During the debate, BCS MP Nicolai Rusol said that both the ministry and the minister personally have disgraced themselves worldwide by editing the history textbook for grade 12, which is full of falsehood and propaganda.

In reply, Dan Perciun said there was no justification for the crimes of the Antonescu regime against the Jews of Romania and Bessarabia. He reiterated that Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Victims' Memorial, had requested a review of the textbook and, if additions were needed, they would be made.

Referring to the accusations about the low number of students, the education minister said, in fact, in recent years, there is a stabilization. "Since 2015 there are around 334-336 thousand children. We see a stabilization of the system. The reduction in the number of teachers still persists indeed. First of all, it is because of aging, that is why it is important to attract as many young specialists as possible," noted Dan Perciun.

Put to the vote, the BCS motion received 18 votes, not enough to dismiss the minister.