Education authorities brace to re-gain kindergartens
Chisinau educational authorities insist to re-gain the premises of two kindergartens, previously let by the Chisinau Municipal Council (CMC), Info-Prim Neo reports.
Ala Varlan, the head of the Education Direction of Chisinau’s Centru District, has told Info-Prim Neo kindergarten 90 on Garii street and kindergarten 22 on Hancesti street, were let through a CMC decision several years ago. Then Moldova had a low birth rate, and respectively the kindergartens could not gather the necessary number of children.
Ala Varlan says the number of newly-born has been up for the last two years, and more children will have to go to kindergartens. Centru district is already experiencing a lack of kindergartens.
Ala Varlan says the CMC let the kindergartens without consulting or notifying the Education Direction. Moreover, the direction declined to agree to let the premises, yet the CMC signed a rent contract for 25 years.
However, those kindergartens still belong to the Centru Direction. Yet the Direction cannot get hold of them and the lodgers have built new structures within the buildings, although the contract does not entitle them to do so. All the construction works have been done illegally.
A similar situation is noticed at kindergarten 22, the interior of which has also been totally re-built, as the Education Direction was not informed on that. Ala Varlan says the present roomers forbid the access into the building to the Direction administration.
There are about 400 children registered in the Centru district expecting to go to kindergartens. 14 new groups were set up in the working kindergartens – enough for two more institutions – but the problem cannot be solved without returning the 2 buildings.
Ala Varlan says her Direction has notified different authorities to help her out, but has got no reply so far.