
ECO-BUS WEEKLY DIGEST June 2-7. Most important Economy & Business news by IPN


● MONDAY, June 2

Ukraine International Airlines operates flights between Kiev and Chisinau 

Ukraine International Airlines (UIA) started to operate flights on the Kiev-Chisinau-Kiev route. According to a communiqué of the carrier, a Boeing 737 plane with business and economy classes will fly on the route five times a week. The Chisinau-Kiev-Chisinau flights are operated in partnership with Air Moldova.

Valeriu Lazar: DCFTA will have to be implemented at high pace 

The Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA) will take effect three months earlier than planned, this autumn. Thus, it will have to be implemented at a high pace, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy Valeriu Lazar said, referring to the preparation of the implementation agenda. The Ministry of Economy staged a meeting with national producers in order to inform them about the new commercial regime and the internal market reforms that are to be done. Valeriu Lazar said the draft Combined Nomenclature is to be approved in a Government meeting in the near future. It includes the tariff positions and customs duties harmonized with the EU’s positions and duties and will take effect on January 1, 2015.

● TUESDAY, June 3

CEB to lend €10m to Moldovan enterprises 

The Interministerial Committee for Strategic Planning on June 3 approved the provision of a credit line of €10 million by the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB), at the request of ProCredit Bank, for financing the SME sector of Moldova. The small and medium-sized companies will receive loans in advantageous conditions for developing businesses, epically in rural areas. Up to 50% of the cost of the investment projects will be covered with resources attracted from the CEB, while the rest with the own resources of the Moldovan bank and of the beneficiary. The loans will be repayable in seven years, with a grace period of two years.

Chisinau International Airport named best in CIS 

The Chisinau International Airport has been designated as the institution with the most dynamic development in the CIS countries in 2013, in the category of airports with passenger traffic up to 1.5 million annually. The airport was appreciated both for the modernization of services and for continuously increasing the number of passengers. The award ceremony was organized by the “Airport” Association of the CIS. Director of the Chisinau Intl Airport LLC “AVIA INVEST” Petru Jardan said the award is an achievement of each employee of the airport, which every day ensures a high level of comfort and safety for all passengers.


Moldova Business Week 2014 opens June 5 

Chisinau will host the Moldova Business Week 2014 between June 5 and June 12. By this event the authorities aim to promote the export potential and to attract investments to the country. The event’s program includes a forum of exporters on June 5 and a meeting to present the conception of Moldova’s participation in World Expo Milano 2015 and a Diplomatic Economic Club meeting on June 6. On June 7, there will be held an economic dialogue between young people, businessmen and the public authorities. Seminars to discuss the problem of regional development will be staged in Balti, Hancesti, Cimislia, Comrat and Cosnita on June 9.

Changes made to Customs Code 

The economic entities will have ten calendar days at the disposal to voluntarily pay the customs duties. Deputy Minister of Finance Maria Caraus said the customs duties are now paid immediately, by transferring the money paid additionally, registered as import duty or as other payments. This way the customs duty is levied by force, without allowing the economic entity to voluntarily pay the duties.

Agriculture and rural development included as priority in “Moldova 2020” strategy 

The national development strategy “Moldova 2020” will contain a new objective – agriculture and rural development. On June 4, the Government approved a bill to amend the law on the adoption of the national development strategy “Moldova 2020” passed in 2012, which was put forward by a group of Liberal-Democratic lawmakers. The introduction of these amendments was preceded by long discussions and insistent demands on the part of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry and associations of agricultural producers. Prime Minister Iurie Leanca expressed his satisfaction with the fact that a compromise was finally reached. “We now only have to implement the “Strategy 2020” and the agricultural and rural development strategy that aims to enhance competitiveness of agrifood products,” he stated.

● THURSDAY, June 5

15% cut in property tax 

Taxpayers this year will benefit from a 15% decrease in the real property tax if this tax is fully paid by June 30. Ludmila Gropa, senior inspector at the State Main Tax Inspectorate, said that under Article 277 of the Tax Code, the realty tax is paid by owners of real estate situated on Moldova’s territory, holders of ownership, management or use rights over realty that is under state public property or under the property of territorial administrative units, lessees that rent private agricultural property, lessees or dwellers of real estate leased out by public authorities or budget-funded institutions of all levels.

Government takes new measures to fluidize crossborder goods traffic 

The crossborder freight traffic will be facilitated when a new information sign is introduced, said the Government, which approved a decision to this effect. Under the decision, the new sign will be set up in the immediate vicinity of border crossing points and will inform traffic participants about the privileged border crossing regime for those who benefit from simplified procedures. Thus, when the carriers enter the customs control area, they will know what lane they must follow and will not need to stay in a queue. The privileged border crossing regime is designed for carriers that form part of the TIR

Poland lends €100m to Moldova at annual interest rate of 0.15% 

The Cabinet endorsed the agreement on the provision of an assistance loan between the Governments of Moldova and Poland, which was signed in Warsaw on May 14, 2014. The accord is to be ratified by Parliament. The loan of over €100 million is repayable in 25 years, with a grace period of five years, at an annual interest rate of 0.15%. The money will go to support projects to modernize the agrifood sector, especially the production of vegetables, provision of sowing, planting and harvest equipment, and construction of postharvest and cold storage facilities

● FRIDAY, June 6

 Moldova to take part in World Expo Milan with own pavilion 

Moldova for the first time will take part in a world exhibition with an own pavilion. In two previous exhibits, it participated within common pavilions with other states. When presenting the conception of the pavilion on Friday, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy Valeriu Lazar said that this is a real challenge for a country like Moldova, both as regards creativity and the availability of resources. A number of 130 countries announced their intention to take part in the event. It is expected that the exhibit will be visited by over 20 million people.

● SATURDAY,  June 7

Foreign Ministry sets strengthening of economic diplomacy as priority

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration aims to rethink the economic diplomacy strategy in the context of the pending signing of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement, which is part of the Association Agreement with the EU. In a Diplomatic Economic Club meeting staged within the Moldova Business Week 2014, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Tudor Ulianovschi said they will improve first of all the Ministry’s team of experts who coordinate the economic diplomacy. A special department might be created. There will be intensified the process of training the personnel working on the economic segment both at the Ministry and at Moldova’s embassies abroad.

Energy Efficiency Fund approves new calls for project proposals

The Administration Board of the Energy Efficiency Fund approved the launch of two new calls for project proposals – one for the private sector and another one for financing projects to improve the public lighting systems. The call for project proposals No. 4 is intended for private sector beneficiaries, legal entities dealing with economic activities such as production and supply of goods and services, regardless of the legal organizational form. The call for project proposals No. 5 is intended for authorized representatives of social facilities that are under central and local public ownership. The projects must be aimed at improving public lighting systems that are functional or partially functional.