
ECO-BUS WEEKLY DIGEST August 14 – August 20. Most important Economy & Business news by IPN


● MONDAY, August 14

Cabinet approves provision of assistance to farmers affected by crises of 2022

The Cabinet endorsed a draft decision on the provision of assistance to farmers affected by the consequences of the crises of 2022. According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, the financial assistance of 200 million lei intended for micro and small farmers and only for crops of the first group will help improve the precarious financial situation of about 3,000 farmers. It goes to financial assistance for cultivating about 276,000 hectares of crops of the first group.

New provisions concerning registration and cessation of economic activities in Transnistria

The Cabinet approved changes in the registration and cessation of economic activities in the Transnistrian region. The bill aims to gradually integrate the Transnistrian business entities into the common economic and commercial space of the Republic of Moldova and to keep records of the Transnistrian business entities.

In the new context, the term “provisional inclusion” will be used to replace “provisional registration” and “temporary registration” for adding Transnistrian business entities to the State Register of Legal Units of the Republic of Moldova.

Patent is not a privilege or luxury, patent holders

The patent is not a privilege or a luxury. For most of the holders, the patent is the only source of livelihood. If the authorities had had common sense and responsibility, they would have offered something instead before stripping the people of this source, said municipal councilor Ruslan Verbitski, the representative of patent holders.

Patent holders join forces with other guilds against government

Patent holders aim to open consultations with other guilds in the immediate period so as to combine forces against the destructive government. According to them, the governments of developed countries do so that the people do not feel ignored by the state and do not take decisions until they are sure that they do not destroy people’s fates.

Patent holders address embassies working in Chisinau

Patent holders made a call to embassies and international organizations working in Moldova, primarily the Embassies of the EU and the U.S. They call on the development partners to thoroughly examine how the Moldovan authorities use the provided grants as they consider that the state does nothing but impoverishes the small and medium-sized entrepreneurs with taxes and now also with fines so as to supplement the budget.

Central bank president: Inflation no longer a risk for investment and consumption

The monetary policy measures taken by the National Bank of Moldova (NBM) lately have created conditions for inflation to diminish further, so that in October it’s expected to reach the range of inflation variation. Tempering inflation and reducing rates provide a positive outlook for economic activity, according to the third report on inflation, presented today by NBM president Octavian Armașu.

● TUESDAY, August 15

Termoelectrica pays 20,000 lei fine as a result of crude oil leakage

Crude oil at SA Termoelectrica seeped out on the night of November 7-8, 2022. As a result of a fissure in a steam pipe, an insignificant quantity of crude oil poured out. Appropriate measures were taken on the spot, not yet later, when the crude oil was to be stored and taken away. As a result, three persons holding responsible posts are to be penalized. The company paid a fine of 20,000 lei.

Electrical appliances in Moldova to be labeled according to European model

Domestic appliances will have new energy labels. The energy efficiency of a given appliance will be ranked into one of 7 bins graded from A to G. Class A (green) appliances consume the least energy – making them the most energy‑efficient. Class G (red) appliances consume the most energy. The Cabinet approved a bill on energy labels which complies with the updated EU energy labeling directive.

This scale is stricter and designed so that very few products are initially able to achieve the “A” rating, leaving space for more efficient products to be included in the future. The most energy efficient products currently on the market will typically now be labeled as “B”, “C” or “D”.

Expert: Why does inflation decrease, but we do not feel effect?

The rate of inflation in Moldova over the past few months has dropped. In October 2022, the annual inflation was 34.6% - the highest level the past 23 years. In July 2023, it decreased to 10.7%. It is estimated that the rate of inflation in autumn will fall under 10%. But the people wonder why they don’t feel this decline. The expert of the Institute for Development and Social Initiatives “Viitorul” Veaceslav Ioniță provided more explanations.

The expert said that two basic things should be primarily taken into account. “Firstly, the decline in inflation does not mean a decline in prices. Inflation is an indicator showing how the prices grow. Last year, inflation was of 34%. This means the prices rose by 34%. Now inflation decreased to 10.7%, but this means only that the prices grew by 10.7%, which is three times less than last year. But the prices anyway rose. So, lower inflation shows that the prices rise slower, but they anyway rise,” noted Veaceslav Ioniță.

Farmers have received over 1 billion lei in subsidies this year

Farmers have received 1.09 billion lei in subsidies so far this year, which is by 17% more than in the similar period last year, says the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry.

Of the total amount, 86% has been offered directly to farmers, and 12% has been distributed through local authorities. Another 2% was the state’s contribution to the Vine and Wine Fund.

Investment in the development of post-harvest and processing infrastructure accounted for 18% of the disbursed subsidies, or about 200 million lei. Another 213 million lei was granted towards loan repayment. For buying agricultural machinery and equipment, the state contributed 160 million lei.

Moldova considering building temporary docks on Prut River to facilitate grain transit

Moldova intends to build at least three temporary docks on the Prut River, a tributary to the Danube that flows along the border with Romania, to increase the volume of goods transported by sea. During the high-level meeting in Galați dedicated to grain exports, including the transit of Ukrainian grain through Moldova, Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry Vladimir Bolea stated that Moldova needs funds to modernize its poor infrastructure, Radio Europa Liberă reported.

● WEDNESDAY, August 16

Victor Parlicov: Natural gas rates could be reviewed before cold season

Natural gas rates could be reviewed before the start of the cold season, as Moldova has been able to buy considerable amounts at advantageous prices, says Energy Minister Victor Parlicov.

According to the minister, the government has managed to buy 400 million cubic meters of gas, at an advantageous price of 400 dollars for a thousand cubic meters. If the wholesale prices remain low, there will be conditions for reducing household rates.

Direct subsidies for animal husbandry may be requested from August 17

Farmers involved in animal husbandry may apply for direct per capita subsidies starting August 17, the Agency for Agricultural Intervention and Payments AIPA announced.

ID to be required for any amount when exchanging money, draft amendment

A draft amendment proposed by MP Radu Marian could make it mandatory for clients to show an ID when exchanging cash, regardless of the amount, thus removing the current threshold of 10,000 lei.

● THURSDAY, August 17

DA Platform criticizes measure making it mandatory to pay dividends via bank transfers only

The DA Platform demands the repeal of the Emergencies Commission’s decision that made it mandatory for companies to pay out net profit and dividends to associates exclusively by bank transfers. DA Platform representatives told a press conference on Thursday that the measure has implications for the economy and the business environment in particular.

1000 smart water meters installed in Ungheni thanks to EU-funded project

One thousand smart water meters, equipped with remote data transmission modules, were installed in 18 apartment buildings in the municipality of Ungheni. Worth about 80,000 euros, the meters were bought with funds provided by the “EU4Moldova: Key Regions” Program, implemented by UNDP and UNICEF.

Parliament ratifies $88 million grant agreement with IBRD, IDA

Parliament has ratified a $88.4 million Multi-donor Trust Fund Grant Agreement between Moldova, on the one side, and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association, on the other. The grant will be disbursed in a single installment and will be intended for co-financing the “Moldova Emergency Response, Resilience and Competitiveness Development Policy Operation 2” Program.

Irrigation could become eligibility requirement for farmer subsidies

Farmers not connected to local irrigation systems will not be eligible to receive subsidies or other assistance from the government. This was announced by Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry Vladimir Bolea during a meeting with the heads of relevant regional directorates.

● FRIDAY, August 18

Farmers’ Force to PM Reacean: Meet with us or reaction will be harsh

The Farmers’ Force Association is threatening Prime Minister Dorin Recean with a “harsh reaction” if he refuses to meet its representatives or if the talks turn out unproductive. The Association declared this in a statement issued after a meeting with Vladimir Bolea, Deputy Prime Minister/Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry, which it described as “difficult and at times heated”.

● SATURDAY, August 19

Tourist numbers increasing

The number of tourists and excursion goers participating in tourism organized by Moldovan travel agencies and tour operators represented 173,400 thousand people in January-June 2023, an increase of 22.1% compared to the similar period last year, the National Bureau of Statistics reported.

Diaspora expertise and experience can drive economic progress, Diaspora Business Forum

The Moldovans working and living abroad have an extremely important role in the development of our country’s economy. This happens through investments they make in businesses in the country, remittances or other forms of investment. The role of the authorities is to facilitate these processes, but also to debureaucratize the system so that the interaction of the diaspora with the state takes place in a manner that saves time and money. The subject was discussed during the Diaspora Business Forum, held in Chisinau on Saturday.