
EBCS demands to ensure right to vote of Moldovans from Transnistria


The Electoral Bloc of the Communists and the Socialists (EBCS) firmly asks to ensure the right to vote of the Moldovans from the Transnistrian region in the snap parliamentary elections of July 11 and requests the missions of national and international observers to do their best to guarantee the constitutional rights of all the citizens of the Republic of Moldova, including of the people who live in the eastern districts, IPN reports.

The Central Election Commission, the Police, the Security and Intelligence Service and the Prosecutor General’s Office are asked to take all the necessary measures to ensure the right to vote of all the Moldovans.

Socialist MP from the Transnistrian region Vitalii Evtodiev, who runs for MP on the lists of the EBCS, said there are over 200,000 people on the left side of the Nistru alongside him, he being a citizen of the Republic of Moldova who was born and lived for a long period of time in the region. The Constitution provides that all the citizens should enjoy equal rights. “But we have recently witnessed an alarming and worrisome tendency to violate the right to vote of tens of thousands of citizens of the Republic of Moldova, who are only 50-60 km from Chisinau. The parties of the right have struggled for weeks to ensure the right to vote in the snap parliamentary elections of July 11 of the diaspora, which is thousands of km from home, but simultaneously violate this basic right for the tens of thousands of Moldovans who live in the eastern region of the Republic of Moldova,” stated Vitalii Evtodiev.

He noted he possesses information that the Party of Action and Solidarity is preparing groups of aggressive persons who will be paid to block the Transnistrians’ access to the July 11 elections. “The Block of the Communists and the Socialists firmly condemns such illegal actions aimed at violating the citizens’ right to vote and demands to ensure the rights of all the citizens of the Republic of Moldova,” said the MP.