
Eastern Partnership Civil Society Facility announces new Fellowship Program


The persons who are 18 years old or above can apply for EaP Civil Society Fellowships until January 17 this year. The prestigious EU-funded Fellowship Program supports those who desire to lead a change process in their communities, shows a Facebook post of the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova, IPN reports.

Those interested can file applications on the Program’s website for one of the two types of Fellowship to the value of €5,000: Community Engagement Fellowships and Civic Digital Fellowships. The latter of these is specially designed to appeal to IT experts.

“The main objective of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Fellowships is to support civil society activists or civically minded women and men who demonstrate a deep commitment to leading positive social change in their communities. The Fellowships will build the Fellows’ capacity to constructively engage with communities and authorities and contribute to reforms in the EaP countries,” it is said on the website of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Facility.

This is the fifth cohort of Fellows. After implementing the Fellowship activities, the Fellows will be able to become part of the Fellowship alumni network and will gain access to networking opportunities.
To be a successful Fellow, one needs to have a strong sense of integrity, a desire to lead a change process in your community and a commitment to learning and sharing their learning with others.

To be eligible for a Fellowship, one should have a proven commitment to civil society, activism, and civil leadership, or a desire to develop technological solutions for community needs; have good English language skills; be a citizen of one of the Eastern Partnership countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine.