
Eastern Orthodox Christians celebrate Transfiguration


Orthodox Christians following the old, Julian calendar are celebrating today the Transfiguration of Jesus, in Moldova colloquially called Probrazhnya (from the Church Slavonic Preobrazhenie). On this day, believers take grapes and young wine to the church to bless.

Transfiguration is considered one of the twelve Great Feasts in the Byzantine rite dedicated to Jesus Christ.

According to the the gospels, Jesus takes Peter, James and his brother John the Apostle with him and goes up to a mountain. Once on the mountain, Jesus “was transfigured before them; his face shining as the sun, and his garments became white as the light.” At that point the prophets Elijah and Moses appear and Jesus begins to talk to them.

This is the only day within the Fast of Saint Mary when fish is allowed in addition to wine and oil. Believers are expected in churches to receive the Eucharist.

According to tradition, this day marks the departure of the summer, as nature itself transfigures: waters become cooler, birds begin preparations to migrate, and insects and reptiles burrow for refuge. It's also believed that the medicinal herbs gathered on this day have particularly healing powers.