
Easter meal must start with knocking of red painted eggs, priest


The Easter meal must start with the knocking of red painted eggs, the red egg symbolizing life. The eggs are knocked in order to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, said the priest of the Chisinau church “Saint Dumitru” Pavel Borshevski. The red color means joy. The emperors wore red clothes, while for us red signifies the joy of having Jesus Christ.

“All the Easter food, including lamb, must be eaten with bitterish herbs such as horse radish, mustard and garlic as Jesus Christ went through the Passion before being crucified and was betrayed by his apostles who left him alone. I call on the faithful not to overeat as this is the greatest sin,” said the priest.

After the meal, all the churches on Sunday hold the Paschal Vigil and Great Vespers. Throughout the Bright Week, the churches and the gates of heaven are open for everyone. The light that is taken home by the faithful from churches in the morning is as any other light in the church. For the Christians, the communion is the true light, which takes our soul out from darkness. Those who didn’t manage to take the communion during Lent, can do it during the year on Sundays.

“If we do not take the communion once in three Sundays, we are no longer Christians. The tradition to receive the communion only during Lent comes from the Soviet time, when there were restrictions and the people tried to take it at least once a year,” said Pavel Borshevski.