
Each second young person in Moldova borrows money, statistics


Each second young person in Moldova resorts to loans, shows a statistical research done by the National Bureau of Statistics. Most of the loans are taken out from banks, parents, relatives or friends, IPN reports.

By the professional status, 80% of the young people are salary earners, 18% work on their own account, while 1.9% are unpaid family workers. The salaried young people were mainly employed based on a work contract. As regards the social protection offered by the employer at the workplace, most of the young people benefit from nonworking days weekly, paid sick leave, annual paid leave, etc.

The salaried young people earn on average 2,300 lei a month, with an average workday of 7 hours. 41% of the men consider that the current job offers more possibilities of being promoted and achieving results to men than to women. On the other hand, each fifth woman considers that the job offers more promotion possibilities to women than to men. Such an opinion was stated by no man.

After completing their studies, 54.67% of the young people plan to continue studying formally or informally, 35.8% will look for a job, 5.4% will continue to work at the same workplace, while 4% want to start their own business.

Some 3.4% of the people aged between 15 and 19 interrupted and didn’t complete their studies. Among the main reasons invoked by them are the wish to work, the loss of interest in studying, financial difficulties, difficulties in understanding the disciplines, and family responsibilities.

Each second young person (51.6%) considers that the main goal in life is to create a happy family, one in four – to make a professional career, while one in five – to earn a lot of money. 65.7% of the women said it is more important to form a happy family, while 34.8% of the men want to make money.

In Moldova there are 706,400 young people. Women represent 55.2% of them.