
E-waste collection points set up at Termoelectrica


Two boxes for collecting e-waste were placed by Termoelectrica inside its Customer Relations and Service Center situated at 6 T. Vladimirescu St and at the thermoelectric plant CET Sursa I located at 3 Meșterul Manole, St, IPN reports.

This way, the supplier launched a campaign to collect used batteries and accumulators in a bid to support the efforts to protect the environment and to reduce pollution at the local level. Termoelectrica aims to encourage the sorting of e-waste and its offering for recycling. “This campaign matches the company’s corporate values – to show care for the consumers and the environment,” said the acting director general of Termoelectrica Vasile Leu, being quoted in a press release.

The company calls on the visitors of the Customer Relations and Service Center to join in the campaign. The Center works from Monday through Friday, between 07:30am and 5pm, with a lunch break between 12 noon and 1pm.

The collected e-waste will be taken for recycling by an authorized company.