
Dumitru Ivanov: Baccalaureate exam in Moldova has turned into business


The Democratic Party (PDM) accuses the Education and Youth Ministry, and the leadership of the country, of lacking interest for the education in the country. The accusations were brought about on Monday at a news conference dedicated to the problems of the Moldovan education, Info-Prim Neo reports. “We go on promoting the education inherited from the Soviet Union,” the vice president of the PDM, the vice chairman of the Parliament's committee responsible for education, Dumitru Ivanov, has stated. He considers the education program is very loaded and the children lose interest in education right in first years at school. Referring to the baccalaureate exam, Ivanov has said the pupils of Vasile Alecsandri lycee, where he works as a teacher, assured him “everything is ok there”. Ivanov has added the implementation of the Bologna process in Moldova's universities has not meant also changing the content of subjects, what has been very necessary. “We exceed the most developed European states: we have largest number of people with higher education per 1,000 of population,” Ivanov says, specifying “we're turning around in a wheel where it is fashionably to have a diploma of higher education, the quality of education is very bad, while the ones in power do not want to enterprise anything, neither to hear this.” Dumitru Ivanov says the village schools will soon disappear, as the children will have to travel to neighboring villages for school on buses that do not exist. The PDM vice president, Igor Klipii, has expressed his dissatisfaction as to the quotas of university students, imposed 3 years ago only in Moldova. He has said to have made repeated interpellations to the Education and Youth Ministry, but has never received a clear answer. Partidul Democrat is dissatisfied with the protocol between the education ministries from Chisinau and Bucharest. PDM vice president Oleg Serebrian says the Moldovan ministry is not interested in the scholarships offered by the Romanian Government. The Democratic Party asks for the protocol to be signed with the Romanian part and to avoid the incorrect optimization of the education system, which, according to him, now is of a hybrid type, joining Soviet, European and American elements.