
Dumitru Diacov: A parliamentary majority is impossible without connecting the political Center


The leader of the Democratic Party (PDM), Dumitru Diacov, says he pleads for a coalition of democratic parties. At the same time, he has not firmly ruled out making a coalition with the Communists Party (PCRM). On Monday, March 16, Dumitru Diacov told a news conference that the experience of the former elections proved that the right-wing parties cannot get more than a third of the seats in the parliament. “Under these circumstances, only by connecting the political Center, one can form a stable and democratic parliamentary majority,” said the PDM leader. Dumitru Diacov left unanswered the question of Info-Prim Neo's reporter, whether he totally rules out making a coalition with the PCRM in the future parliament, but has specified: “We contributed twice to making majorities with the democratic parties: in 1998 and in 2007.” It's worth mentioning, that on April 4, 2005, the PDM parliamentarians voted for president Vladimir Voronin, the PCRM leader, who later named premier Vasile Tarlev. A press release distributed at the conference reads that “since the Braghis-Musuc duo (the leaders of the Social-Democratic Party – e.n.) is certainly controlled by the Voronin-Tkaciuk group (the PCRM leaders – e.n.), it becomes absolutely clear that only the PDM can determine the country's positive development.” Dumitru Diacov has also stated his concern about what he called “pressures exerted by the power over the business environment by the state power,” after Chisinau newspapers published, last week, excerpts from a letter through which president Voronin would have asked his Kazakhstani counterpart to be attentive with the activity of the Moldovan company Ascom. “Publishing the letter of Moldova's president to the president of another country, which reasonless denigrates a company successfully working for years, which has created jobs and paid salaries to thousands of Moldovan citizens, is a sheer violation of the legal norms,” reads a communique by the Democratic Party. “Taking into account the negative echo of this regrettable case in the country and abroad, the PDM asks the country's president to withdraw his denunciation and punish his subalterns, who have instigated him to such actions,” Dumitru Diacov said. When asked by Info-Prim Neo to comment on the his cooperation with the Civic Initiative for a Clean Parliament, which investigates the integrity of the candidates on the parties' lists for parliament, Dumitru Diacov has said the PDM was the first party to sign an accord in this regard with those investigative journalists. “Certainly we would like that these people should not be supporters of other parties and should not do something at their command. We'd like this center (the Civic Initiative), gathering people very well known in Moldova, to come up with legal arguments, not to rely only on the presumption of innocence,” Diacov said. According to the PDM leader, in the local elections of 2007, the party got 11 % of the votes, ranking as the third after the PCRM and the Moldova Noastra Alliance.