
Drunk man falls from 4th floor, escapes with minor injuries


A drunk man, aged 25, fell from the 4th floor of an apartment building on Eugen Coca Street. Fortunately, he didn’t suffer severe injuries so he wasn’t hospitalized. Eufalia Negreata, managing doctor at the Emergency Service, told Info-Prim Neo the call was received at 19.30. An ambulance was immediately sent, but the doctors found the young man hadn’t hurt himself. Nonetheless, he was taken to the hospital for a complete check up. A 30-year-old man called the ambulance because of severe headaches. The man, who lives on Burebista Street in Botanica sector, told the doctors he had been attacked in market in Rascani. Doctors found he had suffered a head trauma. The same day, a 40-year-old woman was found hanged in her own house on Maria Dragan Street. The police are investigating the case. A 22-year-old woman was addmitted for detox to the Sfanta Treime Hospital after an overdose with headache pills. Another woman, aged 30, was found in alcoholic coma near a block on Alecu Russo Street. Over the last 24 hours, the ambulances responded to 677 calls, including 32 related to acute diarrheic diseases and 4 strokes.