
Doru Petruti: Politicians and voters lack political maturity


The statements made by politicians after they found out the results of the local elections in Chisinau  affect society as these are aimed at causing antagonism. At the same time, the election campaign that ended didn’t actually focus on the problems of the municipality and this reveals that the politicians and voters lack political maturity, considers sociologist Doru Petrutsi, who commented on the politicians’ behavior after the announcement of the preliminary election results in Chisinau for IPN.

Referring to the leader of the Party of Socialists (PSRM) Igor Dodon, who used such expressions as ‘stray dogs’ and “Liberal itch” in relation to Dorin Chirtoaca and his team, Doru Petrutsi said that after a specific campaign during which the Socialists’ candidate Zinaida Grecheanyi didn’t really have a campaign theme and discourse and the Socialists weren’t very aggressive, the Socialists returned to their usual behavior. These have neither political culture nor maturity to admit a not narrow defeat.

The main effect of such reactions is the appearance of antagonism and social division. “It seems that Dodon and the team of the PSRM moved to the opposition before Dorin Chirtoaca took up his duties as mayor again. It will be a vocal, vehement opposition,” stated Doru Petrutsi.

Society is affected by such reactions, while the way the campaign was conducted influenced significantly the election day too. “Regretfully, we didn’t see a campaign centering on the problems of Chisinau and on solutions for managing it better with the existing and possible resources. It was a campaign about everything and less about the problems of Chisinau. This shows that the politicians lack political maturity. This is also true about the voters who do not exert sufficient pressure on the politicians,” said the sociologist.

Doru Petrutsi said the matter with geopolitics is in parts true, but it is easier invoking it than presenting a serious development plan of Chisinau. It is easier to speak about this than about concrete problems. No time limits for doing important things for Chisinau had been set in the election campaign.