
Dorin Chirtoca: Early elections would be a noose around Moldova’s neck. ELECTIONS 2015


The Liberals no longer insist that the post of prosecutor general should be occupied by a person from abroad. At least this is what the deputy chairman of the Liberal Party (PL) Dorin Chirtoaca suggested in the talk show “Fabrika” on Publika TV channel, IPN reports.

“At central level, a pro-European parliamentary coalition can be formed by the MPs of the PLDM, PDM, PL and PPEM, which would work under the guidance of the EU, with an independent prosecutor general, not necessary from outside the country, but an independent one, chosen with the involvement of the EU, so that his corruption in the loudest cases is excluded,” stated Chirtoaca.

As to a possible coalition in the Chisinau Municipal Council chosen on June 14, the Liberal heavyweight said a coalition of 26 councilors of the PL, PPEM, PLDM and PDM will be probably formed. “The Communists will most probably not form a coalition with the PSRM. These will have a neutral position and will represent a bridge between the pro-European coalition and the PSRM,” he stated.

Dorin Chirtoaca noted that he is against early parliamentary elections. “The early parliamentary elections would be a noose around Moldova’s neck. Judging by the current situation, the PSRM and Renato Usatyi can win a majority of seats in Parliament. These would transform Moldova into a new Crimea or Donetsk. But there are people who would resort to bloodshed in order to prevent such a development. The reactions would be much harsher than the protests staged by the Platform “Dignity and Truth”,” he said.