
Dorin Chirtoaca: Everything is done to hide real crimes in Moldova


Ex-mayor of Chisinau municipality Dorin Chirtoaca said the fact that he didn’t fire on time the persons whom he stopped to trust was the biggest mistake he made while in office. He made such a statement in the talk show “Black box” on TV8 channel, IPN reports.

“I also made mistakes when hiring inappropriate persons and in the case of attic-like apartments as these were designed oversized, but this is what the architects decided and then I started to more strictly check the documents. But I’m not an architect by profession and I shouldn’t have become involved,” stated the ex-mayor.

Dorin Chirtoaca said he knew he will be arrested and knows for sure that he will be convicted. “They do it to remove us and to place labels of offenders on us. Everything is done to hide the real crimes committed in the Republic of Moldova – April 7, the illegal privatization and the theft of the US$ 1 billion,” he stated.

According to the ex-mayor, the elections in Chisinau will show if the Republic of Moldova has the chance of becoming a state with the rule of law after the parliamentary elections or is slipping towards dictatorship. “If we, in Chisinau and Balti, manage to stop the establishment of dictatorship, the Plahotniuc regime, Leanca, Dodon and the others, we could have a chance in autumn too. The opposition will have to combine efforts and pull itself together,” stated Dorin Chirtoaca.