
Domestic aggressors will be monitored electronically


Domestic aggressors will be monitored electronically by using a hand or ankle bracelet that will be fitted immediately after the court issues the protective order. This is provided in a bill that was approved by the Parliament’s legal commission for appointments and immunities, IPN reports.

Under the bill, the bracelets will be fastened to persons suspected, accused or found guilty of domestic violence. With the application of electronic tagging, the protective orders will be issued to the probation body for implementation.

The victim or members of the victim’s family can also wear an electronic supervision device like a small GSM phone that will enable to see if the aggressors fulfill their obligations.

Electronic tagging could also be used in relation to convicts who move without an escort or who leave the penitentiary for a short period of time, persons subject to obligations or restrictions, persons who are suspected, accused or found guilty of use of family violence.

The costs associated with the purchase of electronic devices were estimated at about 1.8 million lei and are to be covered with funds from the National Probation Inspectorate’s budget and with financing provided by the development partners.

The bill is to be debated in Parliament.

According to statistics, the courts of law in 2019 issued 710 retraining orders, 422 of which or 59% were respected, while 288 or 41% were violated by aggressors.