
Dodon’s statements in Moscow do not serve Moldova’s real interests, opinion


Political commentator Ion Tabarta considers the statements made by President Igor Dodon in Moscow, including those about the termination of the Moldova-EU Association Agreement, are completely improper and do not serve the real interests of the Republic of Moldova. According to him, these are made rather for the benefit of the Party of Socialists and the own political goals and do not match the policy that Igor Dodon said he will pursue as the President of everyone.

In a comment for IPN, Ion Tabarta said these statements are made more in order to satisfy particular geopolitical urges of the Russian Federation. The EU’s reaction will be diplomatic, but the reactions in Bucharest show more reserve and reticence already. The EU’s reaction will be probably balanced and will make reference to the fact that Igor Dodon does not has a majority in Parliament and is not the one who can take such decisions.

As regards the President’s rhetoric about the Transnistrian conflict, the commentator said this forms part of the preparations for the 2018 parliamentary elections, if early elections are not held. “He probably counts on the fact that there are a lot of Moldovans “of Soviet type” and people who are disappointed with the EU and by such statements he will be able to increase their number so as to secure a parliamentary majority. Furthermore, these statements are made in order to seek help from the Russian Federation, which, we know well, dominates in the Republic of Moldova at informational level. I think it is a start of election campaign,” noted Tabarta.

According to the commentator, the activities to prepare for the campaign include the dealing with the problem of Moldovan migrants banned from entering Russia. “There will be now no decisions, but only particular statements probably. The problem of migrants will be solved or particular concessions will be offered in an eventual election campaign – before or even during the campaign,” said the analyst, adding that such a move will attract voters.

As to the economic cooperation with Russia and Vladimir Putin’s assertion that this will depend on Chisinau’s decisions concerning the European agenda, Ion Tabarta said this is an allusion intended for Igor Dodon so that this does not come with statements, but with real deeds.