
Doctors are forced to go to electoral meetings, Fiodor Ghelici


The head of the public association “Moldova Mea” Fiodor Ghelici, a diplomat of the International Organization for Economic Development, said the personnel of the family doctors center No. 5 situated in Buiucani district of Chisinau are forced to attend electoral meetings with representatives of the Liberal Democratic Party (PLDM). This thing endangers the institution’s work as the patients have to wait in the corridors for the doctors to come and examine them.

In a news conference at IPN on October 31, Fiodor Ghelici said that he received a phone call from patients of the given medical institution and was informed that at 1pm all the doctors left their offices and returned in about an hour even if appointments were scheduled for the given interval. Afterward, it became known that the medical personnel took part in an electoral meeting with the deputy head of the PLDM Valeriu Strelet.

Fiodor Ghelici related that he contacted the director of the medical institution, who denied the holding of an electoral meeting. The activist said he didn’t expect another answer given that the medical institutions are under the control of the PLDM. 

Mihail Lupasco, a member of “Moldova Mea”, told the same news conference that the PLDM claims to be promoting the European values, but shows the opposite by the actions it takes in the election campaign. By staging electoral meetings in state institutions, the party makes use of the administrative resources, which is against the law.

The Central Election Commission will be informed about this case, while the Ministry of Health will be requested to provide explanations.