
Doctor habilitate: Nature needs aid even of greatest environmental polluter


The people do not realize that nature needs assistance even from the greatest environmental polluter as human activity leads to the pollution of water, soil and air. Society should realize the dangers and should start to protect the environment, while the authorities should institute stricter rules and harsher penalties for those who pollute, said doctor habilitate of biological sciences Elena Zubcov, head of ECOTOX association.

In a news conference staged by IPN, Elena Zubcov, alongside the representatives of other associations, presented the results of the CRoCuS (Cleaner Rivers – Cleaner Seas) project that centered also on activities to raise awareness of the necessity of protecting the environment. Within the project, the implementing organizations showed in practice what measures can be taken to avoid pollution even with reduced financial resources. The children should be taught not to throw litter on the street since an early age.

The doctor habilitate said the mentality of people should be changed. In many localities, the small rivers were turned into waste dumps as the population considers larger amounts of water will come in spring and will take the waste away. “But where will it be taken? To the Nistru River and then to your table,” stated Elena Zubcov.

According to her, the pubic association ECOTOX was created in 1998 to help the people. “We want the people to know about the quality of water we drink, about the products we consume. In time we implemented a number of projects about the pollution of water ecosystems, their protection, the quality of fish, conservation of ecosystems. The planned activities center on the reuse, decay of natural organic substances. These things can be done by any person in their orchard,” noted Elena Zubcov.

She said the authorities and each member of society need to show greater responsibility. Also, the law should be applied also by business entities. For example, water producers should be obliged to have plastic processing technologies. Stricter regulations are needed as many people do not realize that soil is polluted when a plastic bottle is buried.

The CRoCuS project is implemented by the Bulgarian foundation Earth Forever, the public association WiSDOM and the public association ECOTOX of Moldova, Mama-86 Nova Kahovka of Ukraine and the Oancea mayor’s office of Romania. It is financed by the EU through the European Neighborhood Facility as part of the Joint Operational Program Black Sea Basin 2014-2020.

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