
Doctor from Orhei is candidate of “Ravnopravie” for President


The Political Council of the Social-Political Movement “Ravnopravie” decided to nominate a candidate for the Office of President of the Republic of Moldova. For the purpose, an initiative group consisting of residents of Orhei submitted an application to the town’s mayor Ilan Shor, asking to approve the candidate fielded by the inhabitants so that this could run in the elections. The chosen candidate is Ina Popenko, a doctor from Orhei, IPN reports.

The president of honor of “Ravnopravie” Valery Klimenko said it is for the first time that the people suggest a candidate for President from among themselves. “We took such a decision because a card game has been played during the last 25 years on Moldova’s political Olympus by the same politicians who joggle posts and move from ministry to ministry. This happens because they live in a different world and lack nothing. We consider it is right for a person representing the ordinary people, who travels by public transport, knows the prices and goes to the hospital and sees the quality of services and lack of medicines, to apply for the post of President,” he stated.

For her part, Ina Popenko said it is an honor and responsibility for her to be nominated as a candidate for President. “I’m an ordinary citizen, as you. I’m not a politician. I’m a doctor and know how hard it is to live and survive in our country. Regretfully, the politicians lack empathy. I have worked at the district hospital for ten years and live in rented accommodation. I have a son and devote myself to his education. I know very well the problems and difficulties of the people in our country because I also have to deal with these daily,” she said.

Under the Election Code, the candidates for President must be older than 40, have lived permanently in Moldova for at least ten years and know the official language. To be registered as electoral competitors, the applicants are obliged to present at least 15,000 signatures in their support collected by the members of initiative groups to the Central Election Commission.