
Doctor convicted of acts of a sexual character towards former minor patient


A 37-year-old doctor was sentenced to five years in jail for acts of a sexual character towards a former female patient of his aged 13 in 2014-2015, when the girl was hospitalized for three times following injury she received when skating, IPN reports.

According to the Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime and Special Cases, after being discharged the first time, the girl called the doctor for a consultation. The calls continued and the first meeting took place in a month. Several other meetings followed, including to the cinema and at the doctor’s place.

In the meetings, the doctor behaved perversely towards the girl and taught her how to hide the communication with him. The two used telephones and phone numbers used only in the conversations between them, which they changed regularly.

One day, the girl told her aunt about her relationship with the doctor.  The woman informed the girl’s mother who filed a complaint to the police.

The doctor got five years in prison and was banned from practicing for five years after the jail term is served.