
Dionysos-Mereni says pressure is being exerted on courts of law


Representatives of a wine complex say administrative pressure is being exerted on courts of law. In a news conference at IPN, Oleg Șeinman, of Dionysos-Mereni, noted that for over three years the company has attempted to regain its property to the value of about 3 million lei that was illegally taken by Univers-Vin. After the company asked in court to oblige Univers-Vin to pay damages, representatives of Dionysos-Mereni were sued for swindle attempt and abuse of office.

For their part, the representatives of Dionysos-Mereni filed a lawsuit to defend the honor, dignity and professional reputation and proved in court that all the allegations of swindle are false. The Chisinau Court in May passed a judgment by which the owner of Univers-Vin was obliged to deny the defaming information and to pay money in respect of non-pecuniary damages.

Oleg Șeinman said the Prosecutor General’s Office probed the legality of the actions in the criminal case started for swindle and dropped this case in March 2020 due to the absence of elements of an offense, noting that the dispute between the two companies refers directly to the civil sphere and should be examined by a civil court without the intervention of the Prosecutor’s Office.

According to Oleg Șeinman, the owner and director of Univers-Vin challenged the Prosecutor General’s Office’s order to drop the criminal case, asking to annul this and to hold accountable the representatives of Dionysos-Mereni by sentencing them to jail terms for daring to sue his company.

Oleg Șeinman noted that it has been clear for him that this case was illegally started by order and what happened later was illegal. He is hopeful that this will be dropped.

Note: IPN News Agency gives the right of reply to persons who consider they were touched by the news items produced based on statements of the organizers of the given news conference, including by facilitating the organization of another news conference in similar conditions.