
Dionis Cenusa: Romania’s voice for Moldova’s European cause must not be abstract


Romania’s voice for the European cause of Moldova must not be abstract or purely institutional, but must be humanized with names and concrete persons. The shortcomings in Romania’s actions aimed at promoting Moldova’s European course that can be highlighted are political, civic and communicative in character. Such an opinion was stated by politologist Dionis Cenusa in an article published by IPN.

According to him, there are no charismatic political leaders in Romania, whose pragmatic and also non-unionist approach towards the European integration of the neighboring country would attract sympathies from the Moldovan citizens. Also, the situation in the Republic of Moldova is understood superficially by most of the Romanian experts and journalists. But the situation improves and the number of those who specialize in Moldova is on the rise, owing also to the Moldovans who graduate from Romanian universities.

“Furthermore, few Romanian experts are involved in the EU’s assistance projects in Moldova. This diminishes the possibility of employing the linguistic affinities in the communication on the Europeans integration with Moldovan journalists and the public,” said Dionis Cenusa.

He noted that the growing of political leaders in Romania, who would be sensible towards Moldova’s European cause and sufficiently charismatic, but unaffiliated to the unionist movement, is a difficult, but accomplishable mission in the medium and long terms. These could appear among naturalized Moldovans who integrated into the Romanian society, if they win the political competition with the supporters of unionism, who are now rather influential.

Romania possesses resources to develop innovative projects in the area of communication on European integration - from the formulation of recommendations about the correct implementation of the European norms to the promotion of good practices of entering the European market for the Moldovan business community, considers the politologist.

According to him, the creation by Romania, together with the EU Delegation, of a “European Center” in Chisinau would be an initiative with enormous public impact. This could constantly host public events staged by the NGO sector and the mass media from the two states.