
Details for citizens who intend to arrive from Russia via Ukraine


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration said the Moldovans who will return from the Russian Federation and India through Ukraine after August 5 after staying in these countries for more than seven days during the past 14 days will have to self-isolate for 14 days on the territory of Ukraine when entering the country, as the Ukrainian Government decided, IPN reports

According to the Ministry, these persons must download and activate the mobile application of the Ukrainian electronic service “Home”. If this application cannot be installed or the person refuses to install it on the mobile phone, entry into Ukraine will be banned. The persons younger than 18 will not have to self-isolate.

The Ministry and Moldova’s Embassy in Kiev are permanently in contact with the Ukrainian authorities for identifying a mechanism that would ensure the transiting of Ukraine by Moldovans who return from Russia.

In case of problematic situations, the persons can call the Consular Service of Moldova’s Embassy on +380-44-521-22-79 or write to the email address kiev@mfa.gov.md. In emergencies, one can call the Embassy’s emergency line on + 38 068 384 2016 (active 24/7).