
Details about percentage assignment mechanism


The Cabinet approved changes to the regulations concerning the percentage assignment mechanism. Those who want should apply to be registered as beneficiaries at the Public Services Agency that took over from the Ministry of Justice. Applications must be submitted in written form or in electronic form during September 1-30. This will enable them to benefit from the advantages of the given mechanism the next year. Any delay leads to the impossibility of being registered, IPN reports.

The registration as beneficiaries for the next year will be possible if the applicants do not have debts to the national public budget for the previous years. If they meet these conditions, they could be transferred automatically to the list of beneficiaries of the percentage assignment mechanism for the next years.

The mechanism for assigning 2% of the income tax (2% Law) was adopted in 2016 and has been applied since 2017 for the incomes earned the previous year.