
Demand for milk is 78% satisfied with domestic production


The demand for milk in Moldova is 78% satisfied with domestic production. The raw material domestically is supplied by farms and by the individual sector through milk collection points. The milk collected from people represents almost 95% of the milk processed at enterprises (485 tonnes a year).

In a response to an inquiry made by IPN News Agency, the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment said 206 cattle farms in Moldova possess sanitary-veterinary authorizations. Most of these have by up to 20 cows. The milk collected from people is of a lower quality, especially as regards the bacteriological composition.

The revitalize the animal breeding sector and remedy the situation, a national program for developing the milk sector in Moldova was worked out for 2019 – 2025. The program envisions the creation of conditions for the sustainable development of the milk sector. It is planned to strengthen the existing farms and open new farms, to increase the number of kept animals, to implement quality standards in milk production and the manufacture of milk products, to modernize the milk processing units, etc.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the domestic households in 2017 kept 102,000 dairy cows, while the farms over 10,000 cows, which is 10% of the total number of dairy cows.