
Deacon Ghenadie Valuta explains why he was suspended from service


Deacon Ghenadie Valuta said he was prevented from holding religious ceremonies because a group of evil people from the Moldovan Metropolitan Church took revenge on him for the fact that he does not keep silent and demands taking concrete actions inside the Church. He believes that Metropolitan Bishop Vladimir was misled to sign this decree.

In a news conference at IPN, Ghenadie Valuta said that he did nothing of what he is accused of. Under the decree, he was suspended for instigation to hatred and slander aimed at disrupting the normal course of church business affairs.

The deacon stated that he accepts any punishment as a cure. Next week he will go to the Metropolitan Bishop to ask for his forgiveness, if he is to blame, but will not renounce what he considers right, namely the convocation of the Church Synod, which met last on September 3, 2014.

Ghenadie Valuta is convinced that not the Metropolitan Bishop took the decision to suspend him, but a group of evil people who warned him last year that he will be punished for the protests he staged in front of the Moldovan Metropolitan Church and for the fact that calumnious information about His Holiness Vladimir appeared in the press after the Synod came together. The deacon noted that he will not give up his convictions that the Church must change its social message and be closer to the people and must start with the own purification. He voiced hope that he will be forgiven, reinstated and will be allowed to hold services.

Ghenadie Valuta and a group of Orthodox Christians demanded convening the Church Synod and agreeing a Church program by which to take attitude to the situation in the country. The Christians called on the Metropolitan Bishop Vladimir not to keep silent and to condemn the wrongdoings committed in the country and to promote Orthodoxy by the own example.