
Days of Austria marked in Chisinau


The Chisinau Theoretical Lyceum “Nicolae Iorga”, where German is the second teaching language, staged a wide cultural program on the occasion of the Days of Austria in Moldova.

The Federal Ministry of Education of Austria chose 27 countries where to mount the Days of Austria and in Moldova this event was launched by the Theoretical Lyceum “Nicolae Iorga”. The lyceum’s acting principal Natalia Grozav has told IPN that this event is a novelty for their education institution.

“We implemented earlier several projects with the Austrian side and organized experience exchanges between teachers. The Austrian side suggested staging the Days of Austria in our lyceum on April 16 and 17. In parallel, we will organize a continuous formation seminar for teachers of German from the country. I hope that this event will have a good start and will become a tradition of our lyceum,” stated Natalia Grozav.

The Lyceum “Nicolae Iorga” aims to establish cooperation relations with the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education so as to exchange students during the academic year. “We intend to receive students from Austria and to send our student there. The Austrian side appreciated the level of teaching German in our lyceum. The student exchange will help broaden the knowledge of German,” said the acting principal.

Horea Balomiri, lecturer of the Austrian Academic Exchange Service at the Moldova State University, said that compared with the other foreign languages studied in the education institutions of Moldova, such as French or English, the German language has poorer positions. “There are not many schools that provide education in German in Moldova, especially in districts. There is interest, but at present the German language is regretfully poorly represented,” he stated.

The program of the Days of Austria in Moldova will continue at the Austrian Library situated inside the Moldova State University on April 17.