
Dan Russel: “Major aim should be improvement of life of those who live within Moldova’s recognized borders”


The main objective in the Transnistria conflict settlement talks at the given stage must be the improvement of the quality of life of the people living on the two banks of the Nistru, Dan Russell, U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, told Radio Free Europe in an interview, quoted by Info-Prim Neo. Asked about the progress that can be made in the negotiation process after the installation of the new Government in Chisinau, the U.S. official said we must be very realistic as this conflict has lasted for over two decades. “If possible it would have been solved long ago. I think the new government gave an impetus to this process and we continue to support the 5+2 format of the talks and consider that the negotiations in this format should be resumed. We will see what happens next, but the major aim at present should be to improve the living conditions of those who live within the recognized borders of Moldova.” In another development, Dan Russel said he was against the policies based on ‘spheres of influence’. According to him, “the United States does not have and does not want to have such spheres. We reject such a notion. We continue to support the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Moldova. We think the people and the counties have the right to choose their leaders and must have secure borders. Moldova should pursue the foreign policy it wants. This is also the choice of the people and leaders of Moldova. We will be nearby and support this choice.” He said the modern world has changed and new approaches are needed, including in the Moldovan-Russian relations. “I think dividing the world into spheres of influence is an outdated approach. Many things have changed. Look at Russia. It is no more the USSR. It is a great interconnection and interdependence, at economic and other levels.” The Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs visited Chisinau on November 19. He had meetings with Moldova’s Acting President, Prime Minister, Foreign Minister, party leaders and representatives of the civil society. The new administration of Moldova has repeatedly said that the Transnistrian conflict will be settled with much patience, by making progress on the path to European integration, democracy and prosperity and making the right bank of the Nistru more attractive for the residents of the left bank.