
Customs posts to apply electronic clearance procedure


All the customs posts will implement the electronic procedure for clearing the imported goods. A bill to this effect was passed by Parliament on June 19. It is aimed at reducing the time needed for making customs statements, eliminating the paper statements and simplifying and rationalizing the clearance procedures, IPN reports.

The companies that will have digital signature will be able to complete the customs statement in electronic format at any computer connected to the customs information system, during at most seven minutes. The direct contact between the economic entity and the customs officer will be thus eliminated. The procedure will become transparent and will be supervised online.

More than 300,000 customs statements are submitted annually. A number of steps were earlier mandatory, including: travelling to the customs office with the vehicle loaded with goods, staying in the customs control area, putting the seals, paying for the multiplication of documents and for brokerage services. The importers lost time and additional money for these procedures, said the director of the Customs Service Tudor Balitski.