
Current state of energetic sector much better than 3-5 years ago – Prime Minister


The current state of the energetic sector in the Republic of Moldova is much better than 3-5 years ago, prime-minister Vasile Tarlev declared during a meeting regarding the preparations performed by ministries, departments and public institutions for the cold season. The participants at the meeting ascertained that preparations are taking place according to the timetable established by a Government decision from May. The Minister of Industry and Infrastructure, Vladimir Antosii, informed that the enterprises that generate electric and thermal energy have begun the works for reconditioning and prophylaxis of the equipment. The Prime-minister instructed that all auctions related to the procurement of coal have to be finalized by July, 15. Vasile Tarlev pointed out the necessity to assure a strict quality monitoring of the procured coal, as well as to respect delivery terms. According to Ion Turcan, director of Material Reserves, Public Acquisitions and Humanitarian Aid Agency, in order to contract coal quantities necessary to budgetary institutions, there have been already held 13 auctions. The Minister of Finance, Mihai Pop, stated that this year in the state budget are foreseen around 1.1 billion lei for the thermo-energetic system, and that by the middle of June there have been spent over 320 million lei. All payment solicitations that had been submitted to the Ministry of Finance were honored in the established terms. Prime-minister Vasile Tarlev emphasized that the reports on the undertaken measures have to be presented each month to the governmental commission. He instructed that all measures for the preparation of national economy and social sphere for activity in the period fall-winter 2006-2007 have to be finalized by October 1.