
Crowdfunding campaign for “Make Apples Cool” Project exceeds expectations


The crowdfunding campaign for “Make Apples Cool” Project, which aims to increase the intake of fresh fruits in pre-school and school institutions in Moldova through distribution of fresh sliced apples snacks was completed. The collected funds exceeded expectations, UNDP Moldova says in a press release.

The crowdfunding campaign was carried out during May 30 – July 30; funds were collected on the online Indiegogo platform, as well as through offline donations, hence cumulating donations of US$12,417 from more than 170 donors. During the respective campaign, the initiative enjoyed increasing support from civil society and private sector, achieving a financing output of 124% of the intended funds.

Every dollar from the donated amount will be doubled by UNDP Moldova, and the collected funds will be transferred directly to the fruit processing and packing companies, which were selected via a competition, for final product development.

The beneficiaries of the project, selected thought an open competition, are: Kindergarten No. 91, School-kindergarten No. 152 “Step by Step”, School-kindergarten No. 199, Theoretical Lyceum “Universul” and Theoretical Lyceum “Mihai Viteazul”. UNDP Moldova will develop together with the educational institutions’ managers a model for snacks’ distribution, which will also envisage information lessons about the benefits of fresh fruits’ consumption.

The “Make Apples Cool” initiative is part of the “Innovative Business Development for Local Sustainable Economic Growth” Project that is financially supported by the Norwegian Government and UNDP Moldova. The project is implemented during 2014-2017.