
Cristina Gerasimov: We have a rare window of opportunity that history offers us


The Republic of Moldova has an extremely rare window of opportunity open before it, which can turn 2030 into the year of accession to the European Union, said Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration Cristina Gherasimov. According to her, all European institutions and all member states support the European integration of the Republic of Moldova. She admitted that the geopolitical situation and the war in Ukraine determine the European Union’s openness to the Republic of Moldova, but noted that this openness would not have been shown if there had been no political will in Chisinau, IPN reports.

The Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration said that it is the duty of the Moldovan authorities and the entire society to take the extremely rare chance offered to the Republic of Moldova through the opening of accession negotiations with the EU. Both the European institutions and the member states support the country’s European path.

“Today we have a very rare window of opportunity that history offers us. Thanks to the next European Commission, especially with the re-election of President Ursula von der Leyen, we enjoy the full openness of the European institutions to ensure that 2030 will be an optimistic deadline for our accession to the European Union. At the same time, we enjoy the full openness of the member states. President Maia Sandu has done her best to regain the trust lost over many years until 2020. Since then, we have managed to improve our image and it is our duty to continue to strengthen this relationship of trust with the member states and it is our duty to capitalize on this window of opportunity because we don’t know when the next such window one will be opened,” Cristina Gerasimov stated in the program “At 360 degrees” on Radio Moldova.

The Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration noted that both the internal and external situations are favorable for the European integration of the Republic of Moldova, and the political will in Chisinau is crucial in continuing this process. The capacities of the ministries are now being strengthened, with officials responsible for the joining process and connection of the legislation to the Community acquis being employed.

“The political will is a very important element, but if we had not had the geopolitical conjuncture created by this cruel and unjust war against Ukraine, if it were not for this regional instability, this window of opportunity could not have been opened. It is a political and geopolitical constellation and we are very lucky to have political will in government, which wants to bring the country and its citizens into the European Union, and this will is also determined by the geopolitical situation. We have now started to strengthen the capacities within the ministries, within the State Chancellery. We have the team of the Office for European Integration, which has doubled the number of its employees since it started working. But this effort should be made by the entire society,” said the Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration.

On July 11, the Republic of Moldova completed the first stage of bilateral screening, which involves a process of assessing the degree of connection of the national legislation to European legislation. The screening of legislation is a component part of the EU-Republic of Moldova negotiation process.