
Couple to stand trial for corrupting voters


A married couple who are former members of a political bloc will be tried for corrupting voters in the presidential election and in the referendum last autumn. According to the Prosecutor General's Office, the couple allegedly received 200,000 lei from Russia to influence the vote in favor of a party declared unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court, IPN reports.

The investigators established that money was distributed to voters in order to influence them to vote "NO" in the referendum and to support a particular presidential candidate.

The money was allegedly transferred through a mobile application of the Russian bank "Promsviazbanc" and distributed to the inhabitants of a district. At a meeting with party sympathizers, a pensioner purportedly received over 10,000 lei, and another woman - over 20,000 lei.

Under the Criminal Code, acts of electoral corruption are punishable by a fine of up to 57,500 lei or imprisonment of one to five years. The Prosecutor's Office previously informed about other cases of voter corruption that are to be tried.

Under the law, any person is considered innocent until a final court judgment is pronounced.