They survived on pillows and mattresses with mold, lived with rats in one room and were deprived of elementary conditions for having a decent living. These are the life stories of three known persons who served time in Moldova’s jails, IPN reports.
“I don’t think I saw something worse in my life. The room is 3x4 square meters in area. You try to repair the bed so as to be able to rest at night. All the beds are falling apart. You tie them up with thread. The matrasses and the pillows are covered with mold. There is practically no water. If they bring water, they bring several bottles only. There were moments when I was thinking about committing suicide. I experienced complete isolation,” businessman Sergey Cosovan, who stayed in jail for two years, said in the talk show “Natalia Morari’s Politics” on TV8 channel.
Former MP Iurie Bolboceanu said he was arrested in the afternoon of a Friday and until Tuesday lived on water only. His family learned about his arrest on Monday and transmitted a parcel to him on Tuesday, but the food products from this were eaten by rats during the night. Afterward, he lived again for a week on water only.
Former border police officer Gheorghe Petic related that when he was jailed in Bălți, someone advised him to have on him an object that he could use to defend himself when going for a walk or to the medical unit, if need be.
“I had only a fork that I tied to my leg and carried it with me for defense. At Penitentiary No. 13, I carried it with me permanently. I even slept with it,” stated Petic.