
Contradictory opinions about composition of Cabinet


Some experts welcome the composition of the Cabinet, which is to be voted in on February 12, while others consider the replacement of some ministers represents a farce. Such opinions were stated by invitees to the talk show “Special Edition” of Publika TV channel, IPN reports.

Political analyst Olga Nicolenco considers the fact that some of the old ministers were excluded is welcome. “I would like all the ministers to be substituted and new people to come. The list of candidates for ministers was made public too late and the process of selecting them was fully nontransparent. The people should have had more time to know these people. I wanted to know how prepared these people were for holding such posts, if they hadn’t been involved in illegal businesses or have a criminal record,” she stated.

Alexandru Solcan, dean of the International Relations Faculty of the State University of Moldova, said the designation of a number of new persons for the posts of ministers represents a farce. “New people should not be brought for the sake of the people. I already saw a number of problems that worry me. They kept the same 16 ministries. I think 11 ministries are enough for our country. They should have proposed people who would make reforms. We should not forget that this is a minority government,” he stated.

Victor Mocanu, who heads the Association of Sociologists and Demographers of Moldova, made reference to a recent study according to which the people want the future Cabinet to be invested as soon as possible and are not really interested in its composition. “The people want the Government to be voted in as quickly as possible so that it starts to solve the acute problems of the country,” he stated.

One day before the Parliament sitting where the MPs are to give a vote of confidence to the Cabinet, the parties that formed the ruling Alliance for European Moldova made public the candidates for the posts of ministers. The Liberal Democratic Party proposed six new persons and three members of the old Cabinet, while the Democratic Party fielded four new persons and three former Cabinet members, including a minister with dual Moldovan-French nationality and a representative of the people with special needs.