
Contradictory information about payment of debt to Gazprom


Moldovagaz's debt to Gazprom, in the amount of US$8.6 million, was paid almost in full. The last installment of US$2.3 million is to be paid this year, state secretary of the Ministry of Energy Constantin Borosan, confirmed to IPN. On the other hand, the acting director of Moldovagaz Vadim Ceban noted that no part of the debt has been yet paid.

"It was that international audit that clearly showed what debt we owe. It is only that part of US$8.6 million, of which a last part remains to be paid. We are talking here about US$2.3 million.  This amount will be fully paid this year. It is paid by recovering the tariff deviations," said the official.

On the other hand, when contacted by IPN for details, Vadim Ceban refuted what the state secretary of the Ministry of Energy said. "Not a single dollar was paid. Moreover, at the moment, the company's draft budget for 2025 does not envision the payment of the debts to Gazprom. As for the cancellation, the debt was not written off. Now, accounting data show the debt totals US$709 million,” stated Vadim Ceban.

Asked to comment on the statements of the Moldovagaz chief, Constantin Borosan said that he would come back with a reaction.

At the end of March 2022, Moldovagaz's debt to the Russian company Gazprom amounted to US$709 million. However, most of this debt is either not enforceable or could not be confirmed by documents, according to an international audit. The same audit confirmed the possibility that Moldovagaz can also take a series of actions with financial claims against Gazprom. For its part, Gazprom does not recognize the conclusions of the audit.