
Contemporary librarian is a person needed in community, Elena Pintilei


The librarian today is a very necessary person in the community. This is a person with media education that enables them not only to manage the information, but also to help the final consumer of information to choose the most correct information. Today the librarian knows to work with a traditional book and to recommend a book in electronic format, contributing thus to the formation of a young generation, said the director of the National Library Elena Pintilei.

Contacted by IPN for a comment on the occasion of the Librarian’s Day that is celebrated on April 23, Elena Pintilei said that this is an attractive profession. A librarian possesses information and knows to manage it. They always act as intermediaries between the book and the author, between the consumer and information. They are those who shape the path to knowledge for the community. The contemporary librarian
is very skilled and can be involved in the writing of additional financing projects for the community where they work, while the library is an area where one can stage particular scientific and cultural events.

According to Elena Pintilei, reading as a social phenomenon was and remains topical and only the support changes. They switch over to information on the phone, computer, etc. The traditional book has advantages as it develops the feeling of keeping in the hands and reading a great information carrier that becomes a social friend. The advantage of the book in electronic format is that it can be transmitted, borrowed, reserved, used easily at a distance. There can be also created many digital copies during a very short period of time and a number of persons can have access to it simultaneously.

A traditional book should be printed at a publishing house and is subject to review, editing, while the text of an electronic book can be anytime changed.

When the book is placed on the Internet, those who do not have access to the Internet or electricity remain without it, while a traditional book from the library is always available. An electronic book is an alternative to the traditional book. With an electronic book one cannot stage an attractive exhibition. This cannot be browsed through and you cannot socialize with others through the agency of the book, said the director of the National Library.

The Republic of Moldova does not have a faculty that trains librarians. A librarian gets the main skills at continuous training centers. The librarians with a different type of education can acquire new knowledge, while the young librarians are trained to use information technology so as to write a project and learn other things that they can study at training centers.