
Consumers urged to pay for natural gas in advance


The consumers are strongly asked to pay in advance for the consumed natural gas. SA “Moldovagaz” said this will enable it to fulfill its financial obligations to the foreign supplier and to this way ensure the uninterrupted delivery of natural gas to Moldova, IPN reports.

The company said the contractual obligations include the payment, by the date of 20 of each month, of the equivalent value of the natural gas consumed the previous month and 50% of the value of natural gas contracted for the current month.

“Given the situation created on the natural gas market and to ensure SA “Moldovagaz” fulfills the contract clauses concerning payments, we insistently ask you to pay on time the received natural gas bills. Also, given the created circumstances, so as to be able to fully fulfill the payment obligations and not to endanger the supply of natural gas, we ask you to examine the possibility of paying in advance for the natural gas that is to be consumed the  next months,” says a press release issued by the company.

Details about the methods of paying the natural gas bills can be found on the supplier’s website.