
Complete renovation of 7 roadways in Chisinau downtown estimated at 52 million lei


The Chisinau City Hall has examined the cost of complete renovation of 7 streets in the Chisinau downtown. Up to 52 million lei is needed to asphalt the roadways, according to preventive estimates of the Directorate General for Public Transportation and Communications. If the municipal authorities decide to renovate the pavements and to change the engineering networks, the cost will grow by tens of millions lei. The 7 roadways in the Chisinau downtown had never been renovated completely. The municipal services have performed only current repairs, which are not sufficient because of intense traffic and the carriage side is much deteriorated, according to Alexei Varlan, deputy chief of the Directorate General for Public Transportation and Communications. About 13.8 million lei is needed to lay new asphalt on the street Columna and another 10.9 million lei for the 31 August street. The complete renovation of the street Puskin costs 8.9 million lei, Banulescu Bodoni – 5.8 million lei and Armeneasca – 3.6 million. By about 4.5 million lei is needed for the Varlaam and Alexandru cel Bun streets. Overall, the city hall must find 52 million lei for asphalting of the 7 streets only. The local budget does not comprise this money. The Chisinau Municipal council has allocated 13.7 million lei for the viaduct linking the Botanica and Centru districts, 6 million lei for Mircesti street where a trolley line has been built, and another 40 million lei for current repairs. Ad-interim mayor of Chisinau Vasile Ursu says that the local authorities will need a credit. Eighty percent of streets in Chisinau need to be renovated completely, says Varlan. According to estimates of specialists, up to 467 million lei is needed for this purpose. There are 700 streets in Chisinau.