
Communists wish Moldovans a new government in 2010


“Because of what the current government has done, the departing year will remain in the memory of our citizens as a year that threw the society back into the long-forgotten traditions of the nineties”, the parliamentary faction of the Communists Party said in a statement, which was intended to be uttered today at the final meeting of the Parliament's autumn/winter session, Info-Prim Neo reports. The statement remained unvoiced as the Communist deputies staged yet another demonstrative walkout. The wrongs imputed to the government by the Communists' statement include “the legalization and consolidation of crime”, “incompetent governance”, “uncertain future”, “legal nihilism”, “displays of xenophobia and nationalism”. “The year 2009 will also remain in the collective memory as a year of layoffs and persecutions for political reasons, threats and blackmail, falsifications, elimination of inconvenient entourages. These are landmarks that fully characterize the manner of government of Filat, Ghimpu and Lupu!”, the declaration read. Besides the traditional New Year's wishes, the Communist faction wished the Moldovans “a worthy chairman of Parliament, who recognizes the sovereignty and independence of the country, who is well-mannered and respects the fellow deputies” ; “an intelligent prime minister, who knows how to keep a promise and is capable of working to the benefit of the country and the entire society”; and “an independent and strong-willed president, who is capable of consolidating the society and of defending the weak”. The faction promised that in the coming year it would “fight every day to achieve these goals”.