
“Communists transformed arts into servants of government, but liberal governments are also unwilling to support them,” Constantin Cheianu


[The Republic of Moldova at an intersection of years – Info-Prim Neo survey] “The political change that took place in our country with the coming to power of the democratic forces led to serious moves in the arts and culture as during the eight years while the Communists Party ruled the country, the arts and literature had been marginalized or transformed into servants of the government,” writer and publicist Constantin Cheianu told Info-Prim Neo. He said that only the artists, writers and plastic artists who fawned on the governors were favored during the eight years. Thus, the lack of value and mediocrity were encouraged. Constantin Cheianu stated that 2009 was marked by an unprecedented movement in the arts and culture. It was a movement of solidarity of the people of culture that resulted in two major events. The first was the foundation of the National Association of Creation Unions, which brings together the most important unions of people of arts in Moldova. “It is for the first time that these unions presented a program of action to the society and the power, whereby they demand that the arts and culture be not transformed into instruments of the governors,” Cheianu said. For its part, the National Association of Creation Unions in December 2009 organized an exceptional event in the arts and culture – the Congress of People of Culture that was attended by writers, artists, representatives of culture NGOs and others. “For the first time, eople of culture working in different areas made common cause at this Congress and adopted a number of decisions, including the decision to create the Culture Fund of Moldova,” Constantin Cheianu said. According to him, the money collected in the Fund will be distributed not by the government or the minister of culture, but by representatives of creation unions. “There will be no political orders. The people of culture will decide by themselves what needs to be supported and encouraged in our culture and arts.” Constantin Cheianu hopes that culture will develop in 2010 and will enjoy greater support. “It is known that the liberal governments are not very willing to support culture. They lay emphasis not on the state, but on the private initiative and we fear the economic crisis and the liberal doctrine could impact the arts and culture not only positively. The present government should realize that the political change is due also to the people of culture who cannot be ignored anymore.” “The economic crisis, the early elections and the liberal government that is not interested in supporting culture are three factors that could have a negative influence on the state of culture in 2010. I yet hope that the politicians will become aware that they cannot win, even the elections, without the people of culture,” Constantin Cheianu said.