
Communists-Socialists propose crisis relief package


The Bloc of Communists and Socialists has proposed a legislative package containing measures that it says are aimed at mitigating the effects of the coronavirus pandemic and the energy crisis.

One proposed measure is to introduce a moratorium on tax inspections and audits, both planned and impromptu, until the end of this year, to relieve businesses of penalties. A related proposal is to forgive 100% of penalty fees and 50% of fines if no new overdue taxes are incurred.

Further, a zero tax rate is proposed on reinvested profit.

According to MP Petru Burduja, over 2,800 businesses were liquidated last year, while numerous others suspended their activity. In these conditions, “the government simply must adopt stimulative measures to support businesses and the people”, Burduja told a press conference.

Moving on to the public sector, the Communists-Socialists want to cap officials’ salaries to 19,800 lei, or two average monthly salaries in the Moldovan economy, while “non-essential” procurement must be postponed until the end of the year.

For individuals, the Communists-Socialists propose a 90-day grace period for overdue installments on bank loans, and an extended deadline for the 2021 income tax returns.