
Communists say President can't be elected by 'illegitimate Parliament'


The Party of Communists and their supporters on Saturday staged yet another protest in central Chisinau, this time against the intention of the ruling Eurointegration Alliance to elect a President picked in a compromise deal; according to the Communists, the decision is unlawful because of the current Parliament's illegitimacy. “Of course Ghimpu, Lupu and Filat will invent something to elect the President. But we want to elect a legitimate President, and we want this Parliament disbanded. The President should be recognized by all the citizens of the country and this Parliament should not be allowed to do anything because it's unconstitutional”, declared Communist MP Iurie Muntean before a crowd of some 2,000 supporters. The Communists have announced they are now preparing for what they call the second “people's civil congress”, a platform intended to oppose the current government. This time again, the rally was doubled by a counter-protest staged on the opposite side of Chisinau's central square, with people chanting “Down with the Communists!”.