
Communists and Socialists boycott Parliament sitting


The MPs of the Bloc of Communists and Socialists (BCS) have boycotted the July 13 sitting of Parliament and also intend to boycott the July 14 sitting. They decided so after the parliamentary group of the Party of Action and Solidarity rejected a number of initiatives proposed by the Communists and Socialists, including the request to invite the Prime Minister to Parliament for being questioned, IPN reports.

At the beginning of the sitting, the BCS MPs asked to exclude a number of bills from the agenda, including the draft law to amend the electoral legislation. This provides that persons who were members of the executive body of a party that was outlawed and persons representing this party who held elective posts will be unable run in elections for a period of three years of the passing of the Constitutional Court’s decision by which this party was declared unconstitutional. They also asked to question the Premier, the minister of labor and social protection and the director of the Public Property Agency. All their requests were short of votes.

As a result, the BCS group asked for a pause and when returning to the assembly hall, the MPs announced their decision to boycott the two Parliament sittings. “Regrettably, our initiatives were again rejected. We consider this practice is noxious. Never in the history of parliamentarianism of the Republic of Moldova was the opposition unable during two years to initiate any debate or hearing on issues of major importance,” stated Vlad Batrîncea.

The sitting continues with the presence of the MPs of the parliamentary majority. The independent MPs who earlier formed part of the group of the outlawed Shor Party didn’t come to the sitting.