
Communist councilors demanded Valeri Climenco to leave CMC


The faction of the Communist Party within the Chisinau Municipal Council (CMC) urged the councilors, on Thursday, July 20, to take attitude towards what they have called „anti-constitutional activity” of the municipal councilor, leader of the Social-Political Movement „Ravnopravie”, Valeri Climenco. The communist councilors called on CMC to start the withdrawal procedure of the councilor’s mandate in light of the legislation of Moldova on local public administration. The leader of PCRM faction, Svetlana Popa, quoted a statement mentioning that, during a press conference on July 18, Climenco called openly on recognizing „the so-called Moldovan Transnistrian Republic, the so-called separatist regime of Tiraspol and the so-called referendum regarding the region’s independence”. Popa stated that the latter has admitted consciously the undermining of the sovereignty and independence of Moldova, and instigated to separatist actions. In light of the statement, „what Climenco has done is not a political activity, but an anti-constitutional activity, which is liable to penal punishment”. Moreover, his actions are not compatible with his quality of municipal councilor. On the other side, Valeri Climenco considered the declaration of PCRM faction as an ordinary challenge on behalf of Communists and required them to present proofs regarding the fact that he advocated for the independence of Transnistria. „I said at the press conference that the International Council of Russian Compatriots, which joins delegates from 50 countries of the world, has decided to send its observer mission to monitor the referendum in Transnistria, held on 17 September, and I was appointed as leader of this mission,” Climenco mentioned. According to him, he stated only that „the next six months after the plebiscite the issue on recognizing Transnistria will be solved”, underlining that this statement doesn’t that he supports the recognition of Transnistria”. At the same time, Climenco said that the Communists’ statement is a consequence of the fact that „their rating decreases” and they have undertaken actions leading to diverting the public opinion on this matter. „They lie and slander, as they have done it along 70 years, till the country gained its independence, and continue to do so,” councilor Climenco stressed.