
Communal services workers celebrate professional day


The employees of communal services on April 30 celebrate their professional day, which is marked each fourth Sunday in April, IPN reports.

According to the Public Amenities Division, the employees of the 23 municipal housing stock managing companies and of the five municipal communal services enterprises, in cooperation with colleagues of other municipal subdivisions, ensure the functionality of the municipal services system.

The services carry out cleanup and territorial development works for all the inhabitants of Chisinau municipality, often witnessing a shortage of specialists and with modest financial resources. As long as these work in a normal regime, the citizens do not realize their importance, but when at least one of these is absent, the problem is immediately signaled.

“In the name of the local public administration and in my personal name, I want to say that we appreciate the work of each manager and each employee of this sector who work daily, in any weather, to ensure the comfort and good mood of each resident of our city. It is sad when these things are destroyed, vandalized as if they do not belong to us and weren’t made with our money, for everyone’s benefit. But in this bright week, before the professional holiday, I want to thank all my colleagues for their work and civic attitude and to wish them all the best,” Public Amenities Division head Petru Gontea says in a message disseminated on the occasion of the professional day.