
Common border crossing point to be set up at border with Ukraine


Moldova and Ukraine will have a common border crossing point. This will be built within the Eastern Partnership project with the assistance of the European Union. The subject was discussed in a meeting of Prime Minister Pavel Filip and the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko at the Palanca-Maiaki-Udobnoe border crossing point on October 7, IPN reports.

“The Palanca border crossing point is a symbol of friendship and good understanding between our countries. We decided that together with the European Union, we will build a common border crossing point here,” stated the President of Ukraine.

The point will be outfitted with the most modern equipment. The EU allocates the necessary funds, while the border teams of Moldova and Ukraine will ensure the rapid and smooth crossing of the border.

“Very often, the people, when they hear about cooperation, think about something abstract. Today this cooperation took a concrete shape. These projects will be implemented because there is the necessary will and they are in the interests of the citizens of Moldova and Ukraine,” said Pavel Filip.

The officials noted that they discussed many aspects of the bilateral relations and reached concrete agreements, including to prepare the meeting of the joint Moldovan-Ukrainian commission for commercial-economic cooperation, which hasn’t met since 2011.